Will be listed here alphabetically (unless they don't want to be!). Blue backgrounds/darker borders indicate people I've gotten submissions from. Want to be included here?

Allkeeper - black-wyverness.deviantart.com
Art (OCs/possibly Zoids), maybe flash fiction

Amy Schultz - midnightliger0.deviantart.com
Digital art (Zoids OCs), custom model photos

Short Fic. Possibly photography or art.

Cindy Simeti - blackmagedark.deviantart.com
Art and illustrations, maybe cosplay

Customized models (with descriptions and backstories)

Dade W. Bell - historywithdade.com
Custom painted Zoid

derangedhyena aka Zinou
Art, maybe fic with art

Dratz - oneblacklily.tumblr.com
Modeling/photography, possibly cosplay and/or artwork

Geno chibi/chibi Zoid art

g00kie-m0nster - g00kie-m0nster.tumblr.com
Custom Zoids, possible story attached

Hanyoutai Kyoushu - The Iron Bible
Art, maybe mini comic

ITman496 - itman496.deviantart.com
3D Zoid models, maybe photos of a modded model

Jamie-Reine Mazlin - jrmzoids.deviantart.com
Comic, custom organoids, Zoid collection photos

Jammer Lea - zoids-jam.tumblr.com

Jenny Mure - littlemure.tumblr.com
Character art, maybe some fan-zoid art

Leerex/Gojiralee - theleeryone.tumblr.com

Liger Zero Lindsey - ligerzerolindsey.deviantart.com
Zoids Cosplays (Schneider and Panzer)

Nakamura Akira - nakamuraxakira.deviantart.com
Short story

Short fanfic

NeoHydra77 - neohydra77.deviantart.com
Art of the Zoids and characters who appeared in the video games

pika247 - pika247.deviantart.com
A digital redesign of a fan Zoid

Rai Kit - lightning-saix.deviantart.com
Fanfiction and possibly photos, maybe digital art

Ran - theroseprince.deviantart.com
Short comic or illustrations

rustydragonfly - rustydragonfly.tumblr.com
Possibly maps

Sammich - sammich.deviantart.com

SkyGateCreations - skygatecreations.deviantart.com
Art (probably Fuzor-verse)

Steph (darkened-storm) - fanfiction.net/~darkenedstorm / darkened-storm.deviantart.com
Collab artworks made with The Stray-Liger, fanfiction

Tilly - pointytilly.net
Postcards, maybe photography/art/comic/fic

Wolves/OP - trucka-o.tumblr.com
Short fic (Genesis, possibly other), art to match

ZinkyMomo - zinkymomo.tumblr.com / momonga.zink.net.nz